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Clean Homes


Professional Staffers


Happy Clients


Years in Business

Scrubbing the Sink

About us

Clean Shine is on a mission to provide clean, dust and allergen free Industrial/Office/Home for the people of Mangalore.


The office entrance is the most important place to grab the attention of your guests. You can't limit the number of feet you walk into your office, but you can try to keep your floors dry and clean. So consider sweeping, sweeping, and vacuuming your floors more often.


Our commercial cleaning services in Mangalore will help you keep your office spotless and inviting. Also, regular cleaning of door jambs, pantries, countertops, and office equipment is a good plan to keep your workspace dust-free and fresh. 

We understand how important your family and home are to you. This is our deepest commitment so we can give back to our loved ones!

85% of allergens prevalent in India are due to dust and allergens accumulated in household products. Allergen levels are rising at an alarming rate in cities like Mangalore due to increased pollution, rampant logging and inefficient waste disposal systems.

Clean Shine started in 2022 with the single mission of helping families create a cleaner environment to live in by reducing their exposure to dust and allergens. This is especially useful for families with infants, young children, asthmatics, pregnant women, and the elderly.

We have seen a growing awareness among Mangalore families, especially among expats who have lived abroad and settled in Mangalore. ​ 

Committed to Keeping Your Home Squeaky Clean

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